App update: new version of Employee App (“Mitarbeiter-App”) ensures compatibility with current and future OS versions
Friday, December 22, 2023

App update: new version of Employee App (“Mitarbeiter-App”) ensures compatibility with current and future OS versions

AppPlusMobile updated the tried-and-tested employee app, a practical and future-proof solution for municipal utilities.

Today, the Stadtwerke Dortmund, among others, are benefiting from this digital platform, which is proving to be an excellent way to enhance internal company communication and strengthen employee loyalty. The app offers functions such as the creation of customised content. The employee app provides informative and engaging content, fostering a stronger sense of identification with the company and better alignment with its corporate culture.

A new update to the employee app has now ensured compatibility for all current and upcoming iOS and Android versions. Google, in particular, has recently introduced new guidelines for Apps on the Android operating system, forcing app developers to take action. At the same time, the “Mitarbeiter-App” remains executable on older iOS and Android versions in order to provide all kind of users with a stable and feature-rich employee app. With the current update, performance of the “Mitarbeiter-App” has also been further optimised so that the app now runs even more smoothly and quickly.

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