Easy Onboarding with AppPlusMobile's Employee App

In the digital age, the importance of efficient and effective onboarding processes for companies is undeniable. A successful onboarding facilitates new employees' entry, boosts their satisfaction and productivity, and binds them to the company in the long term. AppPlusMobile, a leading systems house specializing in the development of digital platforms and apps, offers App21, an innovative solution that addresses these challenges. The Dortmund Public Utilities (Dortmunder Stadtwerke) are already benefiting from this advanced employee app, which has revolutionized the onboarding process.


Why Efficient Onboarding is Crucial

The start of a new job marks an important moment in an employee's life. A structured and supportive onboarding process helps make this transition as smooth as possible. Successful onboarding not only facilitates quick integration into the company's professional and cultural aspects but also boosts the newcomer's motivation and commitment.


The Three Phases of Successful Onboarding

A comprehensive onboarding program is divided into three main phases: preparation, orientation, and integration. This structured approach ensures that new employees feel welcomed and well-prepared for their new role from the outset. From providing necessary work tools to introducing them to the team and fully integrating them into the company, each phase is designed to give employees a smooth and enjoyable start.


The Role of the Employee App in the Onboarding Process

 AppPlusMobile's App21 serves as a central hub, significantly simplifying and improving the onboarding process. It offers:


  • Centrally Available Information: All relevant documents, checklists, FAQs, and videos are accessible anytime and anywhere.
  • Efficient Task Management: Assignment of tasks with deadlines, reminders, and progress tracking.
  • Improved Communication: Direct exchange with colleagues and supervisors, and a forum for discussions.
  • Promotion of Socialization: Introduction of new employees, team-building activities, and company events.
  • Focus on Digital Pre- and Onboarding


App21 by AppPlusMobile facilitates modern pre- and onboarding that meets today's needs for flexibility and efficiency. The ability to conduct the onboarding process remotely offers significant advantages to companies and employees. Training is available around the clock, questions can be clarified quickly, and knowledge sharing is promoted across the entire organization.

The importance of such a platform is particularly significant for companies with a large number of employees or a high proportion of field service activities. App21 by AppPlusMobile is exemplary of the future of employee onboarding.

Invitation to Collaborate

AppPlusMobile invites all interested companies to experience the benefits of App21 for themselves. Our experts are ready to revolutionize the onboarding process in your company and make a significant contribution to the satisfaction and productivity of your employees. Contact us to learn more about the possibilities of collaboration and how your company can benefit from digital transformation.

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